What is a travel diary?

A travel diary is a notebook, a small book, a notebook in which one tells the story of one's journey, whether it is near or far, whatever its duration and objective. It is a kind of diary, but in which one does not only write, as one can also make sketches, drawings, illustrations and collages. A travel diary is made in the sense of the unfolding of the lived experience and tells about it, it is a testimony of an initiatory journey lived by the person who conceives it. Its varied form is often mixed with personal feelings, practical information, deep reflections but also successive thoughts mixed with illustrations. Each travel book is a reflection of the personality of the person who conceived it, imagined it, it is also the testimony of an adventure, a displacement of an experience.

What is the content of a travel book?

There are stories, anecdotes, why not poems, songs, translations, lexicons, quotes from authors, explanations. There are also photos of the journey, graphic illustrations, drawings, comics, sketches, watercolours, paintings, in colour, in black and white, in pastel, in pen, in marker, but also collages of travel tickets, natural materials such as leaves, flowers, coupons, tickets, shells, things found here and there, cut out and glued into the notebook.

When is a travel diary made?

Most of the time a travel diary will be created during the journey, i.e. over the course of the days, which gives a more authentic character to the account, the interest being to restore a feeling at the moment when it is lived, it is more exalted. It is also possible to avoid writing a travel diary with a slight distance, in the evening after the day, once the events of the day have been digested a little, they can be transcribed while still being in the moment. Some people also like to write them with even more delay to bring more contextual facts and hindsight to the events, all this is very personal like any experience.

What is the purpose of a travel diary?

A travel diary is written to tell about one's life, one's experiences and feelings. It is a space where you put your memories, you testify to events and encounters, it is a memory aid that allows you to memorize past moments. It is also an artistic and personal way of conceiving one "s journey, the most creative personalities will need this world of expression to accompany their moment. You should never hesitate to take the plunge, only shyness sometimes stands in the way of making a notebook. Rereading your travel journal will allow you to relive the happy and important events linked to your trip.

For more details please visit worldtravelbook.info

What does a travel journal contain?

A travel diary is above all an object of everyday life, which allows you to preserve all the experiences, the significant events, the smells, the feelings, the photos of a trip, by writing, collecting information, illustrations and collages. It can be a notebook, or even a notebook, in which adventurers, whether budding or experienced, describe their life, their history, their encounters, it is the keystone of your memory, a great source of pleasure and happiness. It is a great source of pleasure and happiness. It is a pleasure to write about it, but also to look at it later. It allows you to write down the most important events of your travels.

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